Car Accident Attorney

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Getting hit by an uninsured motorist can leave you with a lot of questions, such as can you still get good compensation for your injuries? Another question you may ask is that you hire a car accident attorney after an accident with an uninsured motorist? And what should you do after you are in a car accident?

About 13% of drivers do not carry auto insurance even though they drive regularly. This can be due to the fact they cannot afford insurance, they allowed their policies to lapse, the driver vehicle that they do not have the legal right to drive, among other circumstances. When uninsured drivers get behind the wheel of the car and cause an accident, it is going to cause a headache for everyone involved.

Following a car accident, many victims, especially those who have injuries such as spinal cord damage or traumatic brain injuries, are going to have financially focused medical bills that they need to worry about. Not only that but their injuries may prevent them from returning to work in generating the income that they need to pay those bills.

If you have questions about how you can get compensation or receive help to pay your legal bills after a car accident with an uninsured motorist should reach out to a car accident attorney  such as the ones available at Ward & Ward Law Firm.

Some states, such as New Jersey and New York have no-fault laws concerning car accidents, which means that regardless of who has caused the act that every driver bears liability for paying their own medical bills up to a certain point. This point is called their PIP policy limits, or personal injury protection insurance limit. In a minor accident, this coverage may pay your expenses, however in a more serious accident, your damages may exceed your company’s no-fault coverage limits and then you’re really in trouble.

UIM coverage offers vital protection if you suffer an injury in an accident was caused by a driver that does not have insurance. This is not required in all states, however some states do require it. An example of a state that requires UIM coverage is New Jersey, and all drivers must have a $2000 UIM policy on all of their vehicles. This coverage will cover damage to your vehicle as well as compensation for injuries you suffered in an accident. Oftentimes, your insurance company will not allow you to carry more UIM coverage than you carrying liability insurance on your vehicle.

If you have a liability only policy on your vehicle you probably do not have collision insurance which provides compensation for damages to your vehicle in an accident. Often times a specific type of coverage is used to cover damages in an accident that they cost. If you have an accident with a driver that does not have liability insurance, however, your collision insurance can help divide compensation for damages to your own vehicle.