On August 23, 2012, Mr. Waterman was selected by his legal peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America for 2013. This legal recognition is the 7th consecutive time since 2007 that he has been named to Best Lawyers.
His legal recognition in 2013 Best Lawyers is for his work in 2 separate practice areas: Medical Malpractice Law – Plaintiff and Personal Injury Litigation – Plaintiff. In addition to representing patients for medical malpractice, Mr. Waterman also represents victims of vehicle accidents, sexual abuse, and other cases of personal injury and wrongful death.
Selection for Best Lawyers is based on an exhaustive rigorous peer-review survey comprising more than 4,000,000 confidential evaluations by the top attorneys in the United States. The American Lawyer has coined Best Lawyers as “the most respected referral list of attorneys in practice,” making its legal recognition a singular honor.