Virginia: Medical Malpractice – a Lawyer’s Treatment

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In Chalifoux v. Radiology Assocs. of Richmond, Inc., No. 100052 (Apr. 21, 2011), the Virginia Supreme Court applied the “continuing treatment rule” in a medical malpractice case. It reversed the trial court finding upon evidentiary plea hearing that Defendant’s serial comparative diagnostic imagings of Plaintiff’s brain were “single, isolated acts,” were episodic care” versus a “care continuum”. Id. at 5,16.

The Virginia Supreme Court looked to Arkansas, Connecticut and especially Missouri precedent in applying the rule to radiologists in Chalifoux. Id. at 12-15. On the facts of this medical malpractice action, it found the requisite “continuous and substantially uninterrupted course of treatment;” and remanded. Id. at 16.