Trial is the monthly journal of the American Association for Justice (“AAJ”), formerly the American Trial Lawyers Association (“ATLA”). Its issue for February 2015 marquees “TRANSPORTATION”.
Four of this Trial’s five lead articles cover vehicle accidents: “THE DEADLY IMPACT of Exploding Air Bags,” id. at 16-21; “KEEP CONTRABAND EVIDENCE FROM HOPPING YOUR TRAIN,” id. at 22-27; “DEFECTIVE GUARDIANS ON AMERICA’S ROADS,” id. at 28-36; and “HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT,” re the MCS-90 endorsement for commercial trucking crashes. Id. at 46-50. Its “Verdicts & Settlement” section also reports a $900,000.00 2014 Wisconsin settlement in “Grain Truck Fails to Yield at Intersection”. Id. at 14.
Mr. Waterman has been a member of AAJ/ATLA over two decades. His law practice focuses on vehicle accidents, medical malpractice, and other cases of wrongful death, brain injuries, and other serious personal injuries.