Newport News Hit and Run Accident Lawyer

Accidents are traumatic events, especially if the offending driver flees the scene before fulfilling his or her duties of exchanging information and calling emergency services. In these cases, you have legal options to pursue compensation for damages suffered due to the offending driver’s negligence. Often, however, it is challenging to locate the driver or deal with the insurance company on your own. Working with the award-winning Newport News hit-and-run accident attorney at Waterman Law Centers, PLLC, increases your chances of success in recovering compensation for personal injuries or wrongful death, medical expenses, lost earnings, and other losses.    

Attorney Avery T. “Sandy” Waterman, Jr., Esq. at Waterman Law Centers, PLLC, has four decades of experience handling complex hit-and-run accident claims. We are prepared to seek the justice you deserve by conducting an extensive investigation, collecting evidence, and building a claim on your behalf while you focus on healing your injuries. 

How a Newport News Hit-And-Run Accident Lawyer Helps Your Claim

If you suffered injuries in an accident where the offending driver flees the scene, you have legal recourse to recover what you have lost. At Waterman Law Centers, PLLC, we know it is a serious criminal and civil offense to fail to stop, to exchange information, and to help victims obtain necessary care after an accident. Using our extensive resources, in-depth understanding of Virginia’s laws, and community connections, we will seek the justice and compensation you deserve. 

We handle the following aspects of your claim while you focus on recovery: 

  • Gathering evidence like police reports, medical records, and employment records
  • Answering all your legal questions
  • Making your claim timely and otherwise properly 
  • Negotiating with insurance companies
  • Determining who is liable for your injuries
  • Calculating your damages
  • Utilizing resources like healthcare providers and accident reconstruction specialists
  • Taking your case to trial if necessary
  • Researching medical and technical literature

Although criminal charges can factor into a hit-and-run personal injury case, the offender being convicted is not a prerequisite for making a claim or a lawsuit. If we locate the offending driver and prove liability for the accident, obtaining compensation is possible even if he or she is never charged with a crime. Indeed, even if we cannot identify the offending motorist, we still may be able to recover for you.

Speak with the experienced Newport News hit-and-run accident lawyer at Waterman Law Centers, PLLC, to understand your best legal options.

5 Reasons Drivers Flee the Accident Scene

Despite Virginia law mandating drivers to stop at the accident scene, about 5,517 offenders were involved in hit-and-run collisions statewide in 2022 alone. Some of the most common reasons why drivers choose to hit-and-run include the following: 

  1. The driver was intoxicated: To avoid a DUI arrest, an offending driver often flees the scene if he or she is above the legal limit of 0.08% or if he or she is under the influence of drugs.  
  2. The driver is avoiding fault: Drivers flee the scene to avoid fault for the accident, especially in instances where they violate the law.  
  3. The driver is uninsured: In Virginia, a driver must hold vehicle insurance unless he or she pays a fee when registering a vehicle. Drivers flee the scene to avoid being held accountable and paying for the victim’s losses out-of-pocket.
  4. Invalid driver’s license: Drivers who have a suspended license or no license at all flee the scene to avoid penalties and other consequences in an accident.
  5. Active warrant: Individuals with outstanding warrants opt to flee the scene instead of risking being identified and arrested by law enforcement. 

Further, if a driver is not located following a hit-and-run accident, the victim is left with limited options to recover compensation. That is why it is imperative to seek the legal guidance of the Newport News hit-and-run accident attorney at Waterman Law Centers, PLLC. We do our best to maximize your recovery for hit-and-run when dealing with the insurance company on your behalf. 

Recoverable Compensation in a Hit-And-Run Accident Claim

In a successful hit-and-run accident claim, the following economic and non-economic damages are recoverable: 

  • Pain, suffering, and inconvenience 
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Continuing disability and limitations
  • Medical bills
  • Property damage
  • Lost wages from missed work
  • Mental anguish

If you cannot locate the offending driver, you still have options for pursuing compensation if your insurance policy includes uninsured motorist coverage. In these cases, your policy, in lieu of the hit-and-run driver’s insurance coverage, provides coverage up to the limits of the policy.

Speak With the Newport News Hit-And-Run Accident Lawyer at Waterman Law Centers, PLLC

If you were injured in a hit-and-run accident, the lawyer at Waterman Law Centers, PLLC, is here to fight for the justice and compensation you deserve. Attorney Avery T. “Sandy” Waterman, Jr., Esq. was named to The Best Lawyers in America for Personal Injury during 2007-2024 and was voted its “Lawyer of the Year” for Personal Injury by his peers in Southeast Virginia in 2022; and Waterman Law Centers has been listed as a Metropolitan Tier 1 Best Law Firm for Personal Injury in U.S. News & World Report for 2021-2023. 

Schedule a complimentary consultation with our award-winning lawyer by calling (757) 881-9881 or filling out a contact form